Keller Williams Realty Consultants
Derek Elbert
Keller Williams Realty Consultants
Jeffersonville, IN
Лиценз №: RB14032954 - IN / Realtor The Amazing Homes Team -д
Keller Williams®-ын оффис бүрийг бие даан эзэмшиж, ажиллуулдаг

Миний тухай

I have been selling, investing and helping build homes for over 18 years. I sold over 35 homes per year since 2011. (The average agent sells 4 homes a year.) This amount is directly linked to my caring heart in each situation and creativity.

I am a member of the National, Indiana, and Southern Indiana Association of Realtors. By being a member of these associations, I am committed to a Code of Ethics that will help guarantee the highest level of service and integrity for all my clients.

Over 75% of my business is repeat and referral business. All signage and marketing materials have my direct number and email so potential buyers can access me anytime and anywhere.

My favorite quote:
“If you’re not helping someone meet their goals then you’re just wasting time.”

Миний дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл
МЭРГЭЖИЛ, ЗОРИУЛАЛТ Bold 100, RSTLM, Career Visioning, Quantum Leap
ЗАХ ТӨВ Keller Williams Realty Consultants
Derek Elbert
Realtor RB14032954
Гар утас
Энэ вэбсайт нь таны туршлагыг сайжруулахын тулд күүки ашигладаг. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг манай нийтлэлээс уншина уу Cookie бодлого. "Зөвшөөрөх" дээр дарж эсвэл энэ сайтыг үргэлжлүүлэн ашигласнаар та күүки ашиглахыг зөвшөөрч байна Хэрэглэх нөхцөл болон Нууцлалын бодлого.